This window will enable you to generate a report of any penalties charges that were charged on a given loan and at the same time you will be able to find out how much of the penalty was actually paid or received.
How to view the Penalties Charged Vs Penalties Paid report
To view the penalties charged vs penalties paid report you go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Reports on Repayments/Penalties Charged Vs Penalties Paid A screen that looks as follows will appear:
Report Currency: From the drop down list select the currency in which the report should appear, e.g., "UGX".
Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Portfolio Report Formats.
Click on the OK to generate the penalties charged vs penalties paid report that will look as follows:
Click on the Close button to exit.
The Nº 1 Software for Microfinance